Happy Birthday Fukushima Daichi (2015)

9,5x11,8 in ~ Peinture, Acrylique

285,68 $US Livraison vers États-Unis incluse
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4 years now till the nuclear disaster in Fukushima Daichi, it is times to wish an Happy Birthday to the unstable Power Plants. In the painting, Wabyanko represents a birthday cake with 4 candles in similar shapes as the Power Plants structure. Decoration and cream is replaced by Dead Human head, and Nuclear Flower with a screaming face. But still do not be too optimistic by this nice looking pink cake, as in the bottom we can distinguish the inside contaminated cream leaking in the water where the fishes seems Happy. They are not yet transformed into Sushi or Sashimi.

Joyeux anniverssaire Accident nucléaire de Fukushima Daichi au Japon

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Créé avec Artmajeur